Saturday, June 03, 2006

Poetry Does Not Belong Everywhere

It's Saturday morning and I'm in the process of getting myself motivated to do something on this incredibly gray day. So I'm watching Disturbing Behavior on TNT...very inspirational.

Anywhoo...during one of the commercial breaks, I see a commercial for the Lincoln Zephyr. It's got a sleek black family driving around Harlem with glimpses of the neighborhood during the Harlem Renaissance. So it's the whole modern classic thing, old with the new...blah, blah, blah. The disturbing part is the soundtrack uses some smooth jazz underneath a reading of Langston Hughes' poem, "Dream Variations."

That's just wrong, you know?


Kelly said...

Odd poem choice with the music you described. Things like that get my conspiracy theorist sensibilities piqued. Hmm.

Bright-Eyes said...

Definately a conspiracy. Definately.

Bright-Eyes said...

Definately a conspiracy. Definately.