Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fasting Update #3

This is no longer fun. I'm so distracted by the physical components of my fasting that I haven't been contemplative at all. The spiritual aspects of this fast have gone out the window.

I did go out last night. My friend, who just broke up with her boyfriend, came into town. I was going to bail because I was feeling so weak, but I made my miso soup "dinner" and felt better. I saw friends from grad school who I hadn't seen in years. It was a good time. I brought my own juice and I didn't feel at all left out. However, when my friends got french fries and chicken fingers, I felt the saliva fill my mouth. I hadn't ever actually felt my mouth water. It was funny!

The "cleansing" aspect of this whole thing began last night. I woke up with a headache. I get the sense I'm staying close to home today.

I really can't wait to chew food tomorrow.

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