Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Medication Resentment

I have to say that I resent having to take anti-depressants. I found out...after I had been on them for two months...that you are supposed to stay on them for a year! I was pissed! I don't know if I would have started if I had known that. And now I have to go to another doctor, dish out another co-pay, just to manage this medication. I resent that even more.

I end up lashing out by "forgetting" to take my medication. I do it on the regular. I remember to feed Ella her post-op medications, but I don't take mine. I know this only harms myself, but every time I pop a pill, I'm reminded that I'll have to do this for at least eight more months. Grrrrr....


The Rover said...

It could be worse...you could have to take meds for the rest of your life...

L. Britt said...

Good point, K Lance...that's something to think about.